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Finding balance in life is much easier when you remember to honor your breathing

Origin: This piece was originally created for my sister who had taken part in the Iceman himself, Wim Hof's breathing and cold therapy event. Wim Hof is an extreme athlete who believes that everyone can tap into their inner potential through the combination of breathing, cold therapy and commitment.

She came back from the retreat in a completely elevated state of mind.

I could just feel her high vibrations coming through and I just thought to myself, "I want some of that."

Breathing techniques come with a range of benefits; they help to improve energy levels and alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. They can also help improve mental focus and boost the mood.

So essentially, only good things can happen when you get familiar with your breathing.

Friendly Reminder:

With so many projects going on, my sister and brother- in- law commit themselves to their practice of breathing whenever there is time to. However, in the times when they're running around the property handling these projects, this little piece can act as a small reminder to check in with their breathing.


My sister is an all-time badass. As we are currently in the day and age of Covid, she is super mom- ing her way through the day. Like others, she is working at him, but this home just so happens to be a trailer...on the top of a mountain. She is simultaneously home- schooling her four year old while taking care of her 8-month old. Like I said, Supermom.

The five of them (middle child puppy) are living their dream...

To be specific, their Hundred- Acre Dream


Each piece is sanded down, stained and painted by hand in our little home workshop of a garage.

"Recycle. Repurpose. Reuse."

- The principles of my practice in Woodworking.

I recognize the potential beauty in recycled components, and have made it my passion to work with strictly recycled materials in a quest to transform "trash" into timeless pieces of art.

Custom pieces are available upon request. Please visit the "Contact" page to reach out for inquiries. All wood pieces are safe for indoor and outdoor spaces.


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